
event date

15 / 16 Juin 2022



event date

15 / 16 Juin 2022

International Conference | Colloque International

International Conference | Colloque International

Maison de la Recherche, 28 rue Serpente, Paris

Icone canlendar

15 / 16 Juin 2022

This conference aims to combine philosophy and history by reevaluating the crucial work of Montesquieu during the founding era of the American Republic and in present-day republican thought, in order to better understand some of the difficulties crippling American democracy today and shed light on the current political situation of the European Union. This meeting of philosophers, historians and political scientists surrounding the fecund dialogue between the Founding Fathers and Montesquieu seeks to historicise the work of this Enlightenment figure and assess its impact, then and now, on western political theory.

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