17 / 18 novembre 2022
17 / 18 novembre 2022
colloque international
Faculté lettres, langues, sciences humaines et sociales Lorient
17 / 18 novembre 2022
The international conference "Ethnicisation des figures publiques en Amérique du Nord", co-sponsored by America 2026, includes presentations by members of the consortium Pauline Pilote (Lorient), Virginie Adane (Nantes), Torsten Kathke (Obama Institute for Transnational American Studies, Mainz), Nele Sawallisch (Trier), Brendan McConville (David Center for the American Revolution, Philadelphia, and Boston University), and Bertrand Van Ruymbeke (Paris 8) as well as a full America 2026 panel entitled "America 2026. Révolutions et Commémorations". The conference aims at studying historical figures and commemorations at the local, national, and international level, from the angle of a group, a State, a city, or a nation. A visit of the Musée de la Compagnie des Indes ends the conference
Download the programFind out about recent and upcoming events of the America2026 programme
Mémoires révolutionnaires dans l’histoire et l’historiographie du monde atlantique (1730-1830)
Première journée d'étude au sein du programme AMERICA 2026 - Amérique, Révolutions, Indépendances, Commémorations, Atlantique.
Montesquieu, A Philosopher for the Early American Republic?
A CNRS-University of Chicago Joint Program Initiative
Representations and Uses of the American Revolution in Past and Present
Annual Conference of the Bavarian American Academy.
Historiographies of the American Revolution
Journée d'étude America 2026 - Troisième volet.
Ethnicisation des figures publiques en Amérique du Nord
colloque international