
event date

07 / 09 juillet 2022



event date

07 / 09 juillet 2022

Representations and Uses of the American Revolution in Past and Present

Annual Conference of the Bavarian American Academy

Maison de la Recherche, 28 rue Serpente, Paris

Icone canlendar

07 / 09 juillet 2022

The third event in the America2026 program explores the actors, media, representations, and uses of the American Revolution for different historical contexts and against the background of concepts such as cultural transfer, transculturation, the transnational national, travelling concepts, or fractured continuities, to show the spectrum of interpretations of the American Revolution and how they change mutatis mutandis across time and space.

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of the America2026 programme


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Representations and Uses of the American Revolution in Past and Present

Annual Conference of the Bavarian American Academy.


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